Here is a list of who signed up for 2024:


Sara C. - BC


Antje A. - Lohfelden

Ulla F. - Hannover

Ulrike R. - Bremen


Sara C. - BC


Brenda V. - Lelystad

Marian C. - Oisterwijk


Brenda C. - Alabama

Meredith B. - Tennessee 

Michelle L. - Connecticut 

Trina and Leo - Idaho

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International Postcard Week, October 6-12, 2024
Nanaimo Bars

Bottom Layer
1/2 cup unsalted butter (European style cultured) (125ml)
1/4 cup sugar (60ml)
5 tbsp. cocoa (90ml)
1 egg, beaten
1 3/4 cups graham wafer crumbs (415ml)
1/2 cup finely chopped almonds (125ml)
1 cup coconut (250ml)
Melt first 3 ingredients in top of double boiler.  Add egg and stir to cook and thicken.  Remove from heat.  Stir in crumbs, coconut, and nuts.  Press firmly into an ungreased 8x8" pan. 
Second Layer
1/2 cup unsalted butter (125ml)
2 Tbsp. and 2 tsp. cream (30ml)
2 Tbsp. vanilla custard powder (30ml)
2 cups icing sugar (500ml)
Cream butter, cream, custard powder, and icing sugar together well.  Beat until light.  Spread over bottom layer.
Third Layer
4 squared semi-sweet chocolate (1 oz each)
2 Tbsp. unsalted butter (30ml)
Melt chocolate and butter over low heat.  Cool. Once cool, but stil liquid, pour over second layer and chill in refrigerator.
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Hello from Victoria, BX, Canada!  I live on an island on the west coast, and part way up the island is the city of Nanaimo (ne-NY-moh), which is where this recipe originated.  
I have happy memories of visiting my grandma and eating her homemade Nanaimo bars.  Whenever I eat a Nanaimo bar now, I think of her. 
This dessert is sweet and very rich, so one small piece is usually enough per serving.  It is so delicious though.  Please enjoy a taste from my home. 
Sara, Victoria, BC, Canada

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October 6-12, 2024
International Postcard Week

This is our local village church. Some Fun Facts:
The first documented mention 1368.
Today's appearance is essentially as it was from 1770/71 on.
Not clear if the round tower dates from the 11th/12 or the 14th/15 century.
My grandparents and parents got married there.
Warm Greetings,
Antji, Lohfelden, Germany

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Unity in Diversity
International Postcard Week 2024
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Bronze-Monument in Hannover, Germany

G.W. Leibniz (1646-1716) lived in my hometown Hannover, Germany from 1676 to 1716.  He was a philosopher, mathematician, lawyer and political advisor and was regarded as the last universal scholar.  Among other things, he invented the dual number system, which is the basis for modern computer technology.
Leibniz' idea was to unite the different sciences for mutual benefit.
Take care and let's stand together,
Ulla, Hannover, Germany 

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UTKIEK   Bremen-vegesack
International Postcard Week 6. - 12. October 2024

As a reminder of the time when many men went from Vegesack with sailing ships on whaling into the north sea.  The Norwegian shipowner Anders Jahre donated these lower jaws of a giant blue whale to the old port town of Vegesack in 1961.  The original was replaced by this bronze casting in 1987. 
Hello and many greetings from Bremen, and old hanseatic town in North-West Germany.  Utkiek (North German for lookout Ausguck) is located at the river "Weser", from where you have a wide up and down at the river that can be navigated by large ships.  Vegesack is a district of Bremen. 
Best Wishes, Ulrike, Bremen, Germany

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Happy Postcard Week 2024
Gunung Ireng Jogya - Indonesia

I am very excited to join this group because I love postcards and want to share my enjoyment with someone who shares the same interest.  

This postcard shows the beautiful sunrise view of limestone hills at the top of Gunung Ireng, actually not a mountain but just hills.
Wish you all the success, happiness and health.
Siti - Indonesia

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International Postcard Week October 6-12, 2024

Hello, Flevoland is the youngest province of the Netherlands.  Reclaimed from the Sea.  My favourite place is the nature park and Oostuaardersplassen.  I love nature.

Greetings, Brenda: Lelystad, Netherlands

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International Postcard Week
6-12 October 2024

Hallo, Hello, I live in Oisterwijk in the Netherlands and here you will find the Oisterwijk Bossen en Vennen a varied forest area with the atmospheric fevis (80 in total) and hidden heathlands.  It is wonderful to walk through.  There are views everywhere and on one of the many benches you can dream away at the fens. The shortest fen rounte (Goorven) is 4.25 km long.  Goor means 'swamp".  The longest fen route is 9.4 km long and takes you along the following fens, Speickven, Groot kolkven, Lammerven, Goorven, Witven, Klein Aderven, Diaconieven, de Brouwkulp and the Staalbergven.   The clean water of the fens ensures the growth of the special algae and plants, but also many insects such as dragonflies and damselflies.  The variation of forest, health and fens makes the fen rounts very popular with bird lovers.  You are cordially invited if you want to come to the Netherlands!

Marian, Oisterwijk, The Netherlands

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International Postcard Week
October 6-12, 2024

The Ritz theatre in Greenville, Alabama, built by local attorney Calvin Pool, opened in December 1935 with a showing of the movie "She Couldn't Take it".  In 1982, the city purchased the building and along with the Greenville Area Arts Council, the building was restored.  Today, many live productions, dance recitals, and school plays are performed in this historic and lovely building.

Happy International Postcard Week,
Brenda, Alabama, USA  (limited edition postcard of 100)

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International Postcard Week
October 6-12, 2024

As night fell, Sasquatch prepared postcards outside an abandoned cabin.  Picking over forgottten stamps, Sasquatch found a dusty box of unsettling, ghostly stamps.  As he used them, a cold wind swept through, and shadows twisted menacingly.  By dark, the postcards fluttered as if alive, filling Sasquatch with a chilling sense that they held something far more sinister than mere messages.

Appalachia has an astounding amount of folklore.
Happy International Postcard Week from Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
Meredith: Tennessee, USA

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International Postcard Week, October 6-12, 2024

Enfield, Connecticut, USA
Horse display in Fall Season
Hello From Connecticut in the United Sates!
Happy International Postcard Week 2024!

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International Postcard Week 2024

As we enter the October season and all the haunts come out to play, this card is here to remind you that the woods are not always safe.  The trees are always watching, they have eyes with which to see.  The leaves are always whispering with voices that sound like rustling but is it really?  Sometimes in one quick moment we are lucky enough to capture that which is often unseen, those creatures we only whisper about around fireplaces or flashlight moments when we think they cannot hear.  Beware the woods in the autumn, as the year draws to a close.  For is that just a trick of the branches or something more sinister?

May you all have a wonderful postcard week, a beautiful autumn, and a spooky October.
Trina and Leo: Idaho, USA

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